Friday, February 6, 2009

All of us...

Week 5 – Agenda

  • RQ1
  • Form groups
  • Group Activity 1
  • Readings 10-13

Week 4 – Homework

Remember to:

  • Review the information on Passive Voice and Compound Nouns on our Grammar 101 blog.
  • Do the activities of Focus on Reading pp. 125-133
  • Prepare for Reading Quiz 1 (RQ1): -Readings 1-9 -Chronological Order & Process

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reading Articles Forum

Post here any questions you may have about the readings of Reading Selections for ID-1112 articles.

  • Indicate unit and page.
  • Identify your post Fullname_section.

Reading Quiz 1 (RQ1)

  • Readings 1 - 9 (pp. 1 - 27)
  • Focus on Reading pp 119 - 133
  • Value points: 8
  • Duration: 40 mins.
  • Thursday, Feb 12.

Lab Units Vocabulary Forum

  • Post here any questions you may have about the vocabulary of lab units.
  • Indicate unit and page.
  • Identify your post Fullname_section

Lab Quiz 1 - Vocabulary

  • Units 1 & 2
  • Value points: 5
  • Duration: 20 mins.
  • Tuesday, Feb 3.

Homework & Assignments

Find information about homework and assignments here.

Comments & Questions

Post here any comments or questions that you may have about the dynamics or any other aspect of our class!!